Projects in progress
INTERNATIONAL PROJECT Twinning and Engagement in net-zero tRanport tRAnsItioN (TERRAIN)

Acronym: TERRAIN

Project Title: Twinning and Engagement in net-zero tRanport tRAnsItioN

36 months (1/9/2024 – 31/8/2027)

Description: The TERRAIN project is funded by the Interreg IPA Adrion 2021-2027 Programme ( Based on experience exchange and co-design, it aims to properly guide and facilitate the cities of the Adriatic-Ionian Macro-region in their transition to sustainable smart urban mobility. With the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas/Hellenic Institute of Transport (CERTH / HIT) as horizontal mentor of the project, 9 cities of the Programme area are involved in a three-year collaboration for experience and knowledge exchange, helping them to design zero-emission cities in terms of mobility according to EU directions. The partnership includes entities representing 4 cities from the ERDF European countries of the programme, which are part of the "Climate-neutral and smart cities" (Ioannina - Greece, Bologna - Italy, Ljubljana - Slovenia, Zagreb - Croatia) and 5 of the largest cities from the IPA countries of the Programme (Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Berane - Montenegro, Pančevo - Serbia, Skopje - North Macedonia, Durrёs - Albania), with expected high benefits.

As part of the project, living labs will be created in each participating area, whose members will co-analyze, co-decide, co-implement, and co-monitor the results of pilot actions promoting sustainable mobility. In the context of transnational experience exchange and collaboration, the ERDF cities of the project will act as mentors for the IPA cities, conducting on-site inspections, proposing measures and interventions, and supporting them in the desired transition to zero-carbon transport:

● The city of Ioannina will act as the mentor for electromobility transition.
● Bologna will be integrated public transportation mentor.
● Zagreb will be shared and active mobility (walking, cycling) mentor.
● Ljubljana will be smart and digital mobility mentor.
● CERTH/HIT will serve as the horizontal mentor for governance, co-design in the transport sector, and policy development.

Project Objectives:

● Promoting sustainable mobility solutions to reduce traffic congestion, air pollution, and uncontrolled movement by motorized mean.
● Creating Living Labs for co-design of sustainable mobility measures.
● Promoting transnational cooperation in the field of sustainable transport.
● Implementing pilot actions that will help cities transition to a more sustainable and climate-neutral transport future.
● Promoting innovation and applying smart technologies in sustainable mobility.
● Creating a "TERRAIN" center of excellence that will act as a collaboration platform for knowledge exchange on sustainable mobility in the Adriatic-Ionian Macro-Region.

Project partners:

LP - Centre for Research and Technology Hellas / Hellenic Institute of Transport (Greece)
PP2 Municipality of Berane (Montenegro)
PP3 City of Skopje (North Macedonia)
PP4 Regional Development Agency of Ljubljana Urban Region (Slovenia)
PP5 Municipality of Bologna (Italy)
PP6 University of Zagreb - Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (Croatia)
PP7 Regional Development Agency South Banat (Serbia)
PP8 Municipality of Ioannina (Greece)
PP9 Ministry of Traffic of Canton Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
PP10 Durrës Municipality (Albania)

Associate partners:

City of Pančevo
National Center for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Learning – Skopje City of Ljubljana, Department for Environmental Protection

Contact Points:

Centre for Research and Technology Hellas / Hellenic Institute of Transport (Greece) e-mail:

Regional Development Agency South Banat Serbia e-mail:

Project newsletter:

Project outputs: